Offener Brief an documenta-Leitung         and english translation



Thomas Goßmann     26.4.17
34125 Kassel

Öffentlicher Brief an documenta14-Leitung
betr. Griechenland,  Kunst, Wissenschaft

Sehr geehrte Leitung,

leider hat die documenta nicht auf meine Vorschläge reagiert,  daher muss ich nochmal auf meinen Oasenbauverein und die Physikdiskussion  mit Nobelpreisniveau-Physiker Zeilinger (letzte doc) hinweisen:
Die  Flüchtlingskrise lässt sich offensichtlich lösen durch Oasenbau (multiplizierbare, selbstfinanzierende Meerwasser-Entsalzung); anscheinend  bin ich der Einzige, der dies durchrecherchiert hat. Siemens meinte, meine Unterlagen wurden in die USA geschickt, dort wird über den Verein  entschieden. Aber das kann man vergessen, weil mit selbstbestimmtem Oasenbau könnten ja die Leute sich selbst helfen.
Nur unabhängige  Institutionen wie die doc14 können den Oasenbau voranbringen. Aber statt  ihre Veröffentlichungsmacht für die Durchsetzung zu nutzen, macht sie ein bisschen Kunst in Griechenland, und heißt schon "Kackamenta" (crapumenta). Was glauben Sie wenn rauskommt, dass man angeblich Flüchtlingen helfen will, aber den Oasenbau sabotiert, dann kann Ihnen die Polizei nicht mehr helfen.
Bei der doc10 oder 11 war man schon weiter: Ausgerechnet ein Afrikaner hat Werbung gemacht für die Einheit von Künstler,  Wissenschaftler und Arzt (d.h. ganzheitliche korrekte aktive Einstellung).  Seitdem habe ich wiederholt Vorschläge gemacht, so dass selbst Beuys heute mein Schüler wäre. (solidarische Volkswirtschaft, und vernachlässigte Physik-Universitätsexperimente)
Stattdessen hat man Prof.Zeilinger ein paar eher simple Vorführungen machen lassen.
Ich hatte dem  doc-Geschäftsführer meine Physik-Performance glaubhaft erklärt (mit Beeinflussung des quantenmechanischen Zufalls, und Militär das auftaucht und sich blamiert), kurz danach ist er zurückgetreten.
Jetzt erwarte  ich die Weiterleitung an den docführer und dann sieht man ob er sich was  traut.

Ihr  original kasseler selbstgelernter prof. TG

gesendet an: doc-Leitung, HNA-Tageszeitung,  Griechenland



open letter to documenta direction:

Thomas Goßmann     26.4.17
34125 Kassel
environmental  planning

Public Letter to documenta14 direction
re. Greece, Art, Science

Dear direction,
regrettably, the documenta has not reacted to  my proposals, so I once again have to point out my oasis construction club, and the physics discussion with Nobelprice-level physicist Zeilinger (last doc):
The refugee crisis is obviously solvable by oases  construction (copyable self-financing ocean water desalination); seemingly I´m the only one who has researched this down to ground. Siemens wrote, my plans were sent to the USA, there they´ll decide about the club. But one can forget that, because with self-determined oases construction, people  could well help themselves.
Only independent institutions like the doc14 can advance the oasis construction. But instead of using it´s publishing power for the promotion, it makes a little art in Greece and is already called "Kackamenta" (crapumenta I heard). What do You thing what  happens if they find out that the doc allegedly wants to help refugees,  but actually sabotages the oases. Then the police can´t help You  anymore.
At the doc10 or 11, there was more progress: Of all artists, an African promoted the unity of artist, scientist and doctor (that is, holistic correct active attitude). Since then I repeatedly made proposals, such that even Beuys would be my student nowadays. (solidaric economy and  neglected physics experiments from universities)
Instead, Prof. Zeilinger was allowed a few rather simple experiments.
I had credibly explained my physics performance to the business director of the doc (with influencing quantum mechanical randomness, and military which shows up and disgraces itself), shortly after that he stepped back.
Now I expect forwarding to the doc leader, and then we´ll see if he has the heart.

Your original kassel self-learned prof. TG 

sent to: doc direction, HNA newspaper, Greece



verteilte Flugblätter:

siehe auch:
- Physik-Hauptquartier:
- Kommentare:          


Anfrage an Rockefeller Foundation New York:

Thomas Goßmann
34125 Kassel

Request to support top initiatives (science, politics, climate) in Kassel

Dear Rockefeller Foundation,

it´s now 5years since I first heard from You, when I met a Dr. who gave a lecture on economic strategies at the documenta in Kassel, world biggest modern art exhibition, on behalf of Your foundation.
Later I heard, Laurance Rockefeller was interested in P.E.A.R. at Princeton:

Now I hope to find people who “think big“, i.e. see the whole picture.
Please support my key initiatives:

physics headquarter for quantum/time/consciousness
Oases Union (broad economic ansatz, together with folks, logically including many of Your actions)                                                             

See also:     terra preta     art and science  (documenta exhibition in Kassel) Ronald-Reagan-Foundation

Maybe You would like to do a second documenta appearance, and support (with words and little money) a scientific headquarter at the Art University in Kassel. This headquarter is simply an initiative of artists and scientists, a result of the documenta which continues after the exhibition is closed. Not a spectacular thing, but it helps to start the work: Looking for specialists, talking to folks, preparing investments and even deals for American workers.

I´m very much on the front, and have broad knowledge on people´s situations, based on mathematical option analysis, discussion with people, and projects.
Most initiatives, including Your foundation, are occupied in details and can not at all give a realistic picture of actually solving the world-wide problems. (problems are faster than You)

So please help me to overcome the small-thinkers, and use German power to find a realistic solution with the colonies. The best example is my Oases-Union, which implies honest negotiations with inhabitants, and enabling them to build their own industry and economy, and pension safety instead more children, with self-determination, flexibility and responsibility.

Of course I informed Siemens, that I need their technical power and collaboration, for desalination, in order to start a big solution (the last 100BillionDollar-solution for climate and economy, called desertec, failed).
Siemens wrote me, the decision about my oases union program will be made in US (that was still under Obama, no decision).

So the pile of front activities I offer to You is:
- Setting stage for time in physics (what does Einstein´s word really mean, that material reality is a kind of illusion)
- Refugees and inhabitants preparing economy (oases, anti-corruption) on a broad scale, such that companies and politicians can´t refuse support (by the way, so-called Hermes-Bürgschaften, i.e. safety for investment credits for oases in Egypt, were no problem; only the cooperation of Siemens and professors was problem)
- preparing deals with US which bring you working places. Specific single correct deals under supervision of oases-union is the only way Your country can at all get some respect and future.
- large-scale carbon soil (terra preta) with inhabitants around Kassel (also to prepare soil management in other countries, as most effective part of climate management and local economy)

Activities depend on collaboration with institutes in Kassel. The little documenta institute at the Art Uni Kassel would be a good beginning, but needs funding promise within 8 days. Else a direct negotiation with the university (physics, economy) and funding a department might be useful to start thinking big enough.

Would be nice to hear from You




Thomas Goßmann                 13Nov17
Public Letter

Dear Kurtis,
Thanks for Your spirit.
We ran across on the street several times, right?
It has to do with a girl, she has outside matrix existence (shape-shifting, time travel, love dimension) and I´m not sure about her character.
Maybe I opened a hyperspace gate in 2009, for evolutionary purpose, for getting easier access to paranormal stuff (in this case girl to have control over her age). Then 20years earlier I was informed they had prevented Hitler from going through a gate (because he has wrong superhuman theory and doesn´t know what he is talking about I guess), sounds like a consequence of my 2009 order.
I think we are both heavily involved in human evolution.
Was that You this summer in front of Fridericianum, with Electric Guitar and tutu? Nice.
First time we ran across was 1988 in Kassel I think. I didn´t say anything, I was distrustful and thought the situation was staged by “la coiffeuse“ (see foto). You seemed to show me her narcism or mine.
Anyway You seem like one of the most normal persons I´ve ever seen.

How You like my  Cream distilled to18min ? I like it better than Your Rare Earth recommendation (drums,bass).
Maybe is to extreme, don´t know, still flashed.

Would You like to help me with some plans:
A) Find out about “la coiffeuse“ and masculinist hyperspace-experiment (love dimension)
B) Build advisor team for Trump

A) What did she say to You? To me, she explained her strategy, that she shows up where I´m going and then I´m supposed to react to her loveliness. But it seems not to work, and she has used up all places in space and time. The advisor she assigned to me sometimes said a sentence, like “The stupid shall not reproduce!“, or something with hyenas, don´t know.
Maybe she should consider my situation before she demands civilian life: I was property of party people (political party, not fun), and was forced to do horrible things like say hello, look into their eyes, be happy, move slowly.
I remember my first 30sec in Kindergarten, I think there she was, from future, shaped to 4year girl. I was shocked by her demandiness and consciousness, and had enough. At age ten the feminist teachers said I cheated on the intelligence test, because such high results are impossible. Accordingly I was not advantaged and ran around with sleep deprivation and low blood sugar. Once a week I could afford some chicken soup for 30cents from machine, that helped a little. We had to read books where was explained, that I have to forgive them when I´m older. Then at 16 I was sent to North America, for brain drain, but came back. At 18 la coiffeuse showed up, I thought she could be useful to me, because that would improve her character. But I didn´t come to words, she immediately started punishment, with results like political psychiatry, lifelong political speed limit 16mph, involving people, something new every day, faster than I can think about. She says there was nothing, I think she´s lying.

If it´s an experiment, or unintended experiment, the name is “how far do they go“, and the result is cages I guess. She often showed up as African Princess, isn´t there a law against such? Please tell her I would like to react nicely but she must be under control first. To have some life at all and endure her self-expression, maybe some work with people helps (instead unpaid ecological work), so here´s plan b:

B) Advisor team for Pres.Trump.
Please if possible hand out attached paper to Trump, with greetings from decent people.
ClimateShit.jpeg - world analysis on one page
If it´s good, something will be possible, even if nobody dares to give Siemens a kick as shown.
Then You could ask Bernie Sanders to take part in team. Maybe it´s about time. He got long asskick in the face by swamp, system, beast. Maybe it will be about time for him, to start talking, about all facts and persons, and details of the persons and all details of the details, Halleluja.

Greetings from Kassel


Anfrage in Berlin: